
All posts for the month May, 2020

Disney Bound

Published May 4, 2020 by mn1055

At the first sound of it, this term sounds like a trip to Disney. Disney bounding is typical fashion among Disney parks. You can spot many people dressed similar to well known characters. This fashion came out of some regulations that Disney has in place.

An excellent experience for girls between 3 and 12 is the Bippity Boppity Boutique. This is a “spa” service that transforms girls into their favorite princess. They get a full makeover and can wear the princesses gown for the day! Many adults would also love to receive this service. But unfortunately, Disney doesn’t want multiple characters roaming around the park confusing small children!

Thus came Disney bounding. This is when someone’s outfit looks similar to a character’s but is not exact. I actually really enjoy Disney bounding! Here is what my friends and I did to look like a few princesses!

Snow White, Tinkerbell, and Belle